Verses by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
(in ashram on cassette - "Baba sings verses '3")
Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
From the unreal, lead me to the real
From darkness, lead me to the light
From death, lead me to immortality.
Baba's speech: "The spirit present in all of the beings is varily seen
as that of mind. They are all full of the essential love. Without love, it
is all just a pun, without love you can not be happy."
Priya Vakya Pradhanena
Sarve Tushyanti Jatavaha
Tasmat Tadeva Kartavyam
Tadat Tasmeva Kartavyam
Vachaneka Daridratam
If pleasing sentences predominate your speech,
everyone will be happy. Therefore it is your duty that
your talks aren't devoid of such words.
Pata Paduma Krishna Paluku Tine Lolukunatula
Mata Laduma Mukunda Manasu Thiraga
Veda Saramantha Tisi Nagarupamuganu Marchi
Vinuvandu Thirugabosi Ganarupamuganu Maku
Oh Krishna! Sing a song like sweetness of nectar (Amrit) flows.
Oh Mukunda! Talk with me till my heart satisfies.
Oh Krishna! Sing the essence of the Vedas in a musical rhythm from the Divine Flute.
Adhika Bashinchu Suratvam Adhikamaye
Karyasurata Kshininchi Karagipoye
Bhakti Visvasamulandu Rakti Tolage
Badhyatalu Leni Svatantraparatra Heche
Neti Vidyardhi Bratuku i Pati Daye
The valourous speech has crossed all leaps bounds;
The efficienty in action has decreased and melted away;
Interest in devotion and faith have been lost;
Freedom bereft of responsibility has increased;
This how the life of today's student has become.
Chaduvulu Nerchiti Nanchu
Garvamu Vahinchanradu
Mikunna Chaduvu Ae Partidi
Vidyakun Vinayeme Sadrupamu
Garva Ahamkaramul Vidi
Hrudi Tanan Ghatimchedan
Sugati Voyi Avidyapati
Students! One should not pride oneself by one's learning.
To what extent is your knowledge?
True education is being humble, sheading one's ego and pride,
and following the right path, oh Master of foolishness!
Satya Vakku Valana
Sanmanamun Galgu
Satya Yutudundu Sowkya Yasassunandu
Satya Jivitamunakanna Mitya Mediledu
Yunna Mata Telupu Chunnamata
A speaker of truth is bestowed with happiness by truth itself.
There is nothing more everlasting than the life of truthfulness,
the fact as being revealed!
Allah Amchu Mahammadiulu
Jehova e Amchu Satchristavulu
Pullabjachnu Datamchu Vaishnavulu
Sambho Amchu Saivulu Sada
Prahladambuna Golva Andarikin Ayu Arogya
Sampada Labhambu Losangi Sam Rakshinchu
Devundu Okkade Amchu Abavimpudi
Mohammedans say "Allah"!
Christians say "Jehovah"!
Vaishnaves say "Vishnu"!
Shaivites say "Shambo"!
When worshipped with joy, the God who confers longevity and health
and protects is only one. Believe in this.
Vidyanama Naraswarupa Madhikam
Prachhanna Gupatam Dhanam
Vidya Bhogakari Yassubhakari
Vidya Gurunam Guru
Vidya Bandujane Videsagamane
Vidya Param Lochanam
Vidya Rajasu Pujate Nahi Dhanam
Vidya Hinam Pasum
Vidya (true learning) is far superior to humans.
Vidya confers fame and auspiciousness;
Vidya is the teacher of all teachers.
Vidya is the relative when travelling abroad.
Vidya confers supreme vision.
Vidya is worshipped and honoured by kings and not by money.
Man devoid of Vidya is verily a beast.
Sadayam Hrudayam Yasya Bhashitam
Satya Bhushitam
Deham Parahite Yasyam
While the heart should be abounding with love,
and truth should adorn our speech,
the body's purpose is to help others.
What greater happiness can one get if one has all of the above!
Love is My Form
Truth is My Breath
Bliss is My Food
My Life is My Message,
Expansion is My Life
No Reason for Love
No Season for Love
No Birth, no Death
Prema, Satya, Ananda
Shanti, Dharma, Ananda
Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai, Prema Sai Jai Jai!
Shirdi Sai, Parti Sai, Prema Sai Jai Jai!
Voice: Shri Sathya Sai Baba
Sitar: Costantino Albini;
El. Guitar: Nanni Civitenga;
Saxes: Eric Daniel;
Flutes & Keyboards: Gabriele Ducros;
Keyboards: Gianluca Ducros;
Tabla: Paolo Serra.
Music Composed and Arranged by: Gabriele & Gianluca Ducros.
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