It is the usual practice in the Mandir to conclude any set of rituals, bhajan or a sacred function with waving around Bhagavan, His portrait and other images in the Temple a flame of burning wicks or camphor pieces, singing the glory of Bhagavan and wishing Him victory in His Divine Mission on Earth. This worship of God with the light of the flame is called Arathi. The word "Arathi" signifies 'Atmarati' which means yearning or quest of the Jivatma or the individual flame of self-awareness for the Paramatma or the Universal Self - to merge and be one with its Light and glory of Sat-Chit-Ananda Swaroopa.
O Lord of the world; O Hari, Destroyer of our ignorance and distress; O Lord Sri Sathya Sai, you are the protector of the Devotees. You have manifested yourself in Parthi as the Supreme Lord of the world. Victory unto you!
Your face, as cool and charming as the moon bestows peace auspiciousness and joy on us. You are the life breath and the indwelling beloved of all people. To those who surrender to you, you are the Divine wish-fulfilling creeper and a Kinsman protecting them in times of calamity or distress. Victory unto you, O Lord of the world!
O Lord, you are our eternal Mother, Father, Teacher and chosen Deity; you are all that I love and need and everything to me. You are the Primeval sound "AUM" from which the whole Creation emerged and which now pervades the whole Universe. Oh Lord of world, O Lord reclining on the Divine Serpent, Victory unto you!
Oh Lord having the form of the All-pervading AUM; having the splendour luminosity and vigour of a superior order, kindly accept our auspicious Aarathi (waving of light). Oh Lord Vishnu who, in one of your Incarnations, bore the Mandara Mountain on your back. Victory unto you.
O Lord Naraayana SATHYANAARAAYANA Spiritual guide and Lord. Victory unto you.
God's name must be always on our lips. We should always try to feel His Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotent nature in our mind, and His flame of self-awareness in our intellect; and devotion for His Divine Lotus Feet in our heart. For that, "Namasmarana" or Divine name chanting is essential. Hence the Aarathi song ends with the Divine name chanting of Sathya Naaraayana.
May the power of AUM bestow peace everywhere always.
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